Spice it up and elevate the fun on your next golf trip

When planning a golf vacation with a group, adding some fun and competitive games can make the experience even more enjoyable. Here are some unique games that are sure to add a fun twist to your golf trip.

  1. Wolf
  • How It Works: Players take turns being the “Wolf” on each hole, choosing whether to play alone or select a partner after everyone has teed off. The Wolf can earn more points by playing solo but takes on more risk.
  • Why It’s Fun: It’s strategic and adds a twist with decisions on every hole.
  1. Vegas
  • How It Works: Played in teams of two, and the scores are combined in a unique way. For example, if one player scores a 4 and the other a 5, the team’s score is 45. If the other team scores 36, the difference is 9, which can translate into points or money.
  • Why It’s Fun: The scoring can create huge swings, keeping the game unpredictable.
  1. Bingo Bango Bongo
  • How It Works: Points are awarded for three things on each hole: the first player to reach the green (Bingo), the closest to the pin once everyone is on the green (Bango), and the first to hole out (Bongo).
  • Why It’s Fun: It’s lighthearted and allows everyone to win points, not just the best golfer.
  1. The String Game
  • How It Works: Each player is given a length of string (e.g., 3 feet). Throughout the round, they can use the string to move their ball without penalty (e.g., to improve a lie or make a putt). Once the string is used, it’s cut and the remaining length is all they have left.
  • Why It’s Fun: Adds a strategic element, as players must decide when to use their string.
  1. Two-Man Cha-Cha-Cha
  • How It Works: On the first hole, the best ball of the two players counts for the team score. On the second hole, both players’ scores are added together. This pattern continues (one score, two scores, one score, etc.).
  • Why It’s Fun: Keeps everyone engaged with varying strategies from hole to hole.
  1. Six-Six-Six (6-6-6)
  • How It Works: The round is divided into three 6-hole segments, with a different format for each (e.g., scramble, best ball, alternate shot). Players can switch partners after each segment.
  • Why It’s Fun: Keeps the round fresh with different formats and team dynamics.
  1. Reverse Mulligan
  • How It Works: Instead of allowing players to redo a bad shot, each player can force another player to take a “reverse mulligan,” making them replay a good shot.
  • Why It’s Fun: It adds a mischievous twist and strategic play as players decide when to use their reverse mulligans.
  1. Rabbit
  • How It Works: The first player to win a hole outright becomes the “rabbit.” They stay the rabbit until another player wins a hole outright. The player who is the rabbit after the 9th and 18th holes wins the game.
  • Why It’s Fun: It’s a fast-paced game that can shift quickly, keeping everyone on their toes.

These games can make your trip more memorable and fun adding plenty fo suprises and laughter to your next golf trip!